Brandeis Alumni, Friends and Families

Brandeis MakerLab

Help strengthen Brandeis thought leadership in emerging technologies!

The award-winning Brandeis MakerLab is the University’s emerging technology hub. Help us achieve our vision of making a sustained impact at Brandeis and in the world!

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What’s our vision?

The MakerLab today makes a significant impact at Brandeis and in the world, but not one that’s as broad or sustained as possible. We can be even better with your help! We envision a MakerLab that enriches teaching and learning in dozens of courses each semester, advances research across the disciplines, helps Brandeis differentiate itself and recruit a tech-savvy new generation of students, and leverages Brandeis thought leadership and enthusiasm to make the world a better place.

How can you help?

  • Please consider making a gift. Any amount is greatly appreciated. We need your help to realize our vision and make the world just a little bit better.
  • Share this page on social media. The more people who know about the MakerLab, the better.

How are we making a difference at Brandeis?

In its two-year existence, the MakerLab has deeply influenced Brandeis through partnerships with 20 research labs; contributions to teaching in more than a dozen courses; establishment of a 500-person innovation community that exudes a uniquely Brandeisian energy, creativity and diversity; facilitation of many new patents and discoveries; expansion of technology literacy among Brandeis faculty, students and staff; and delivery of meaningful outreach to the Waltham community.

How are we making a difference in the world?

The MakerLab uses emerging technologies to solve critical problems of access, inclusion and sustainability. Community members have fabricated molecular models that help researchers better detect disease and biological weapons; constructed low-cost, customized prosthetics; built a Braille smartphone keyboard; preserved ancient objects in a way that enables new research possibilities and immersive learning; and created new forms of art.

Doesn’t every university have a makerspace? What’s so special about the MakerLab?

Yes, many do. But the MakerLab is an emerging technology hub that’s unique among higher education makerspaces because of:

  • Our vision for 21st-century liberal arts, in which broad access to emerging technologies pushes the boundaries of interdisciplinary teaching, learning and research. Makers have developed 3D printed molecules (biochemistry), invigorated fieldwork using advanced scanning technologies (archaeology), created Brandeis-specific virtual reality environments (art) and explored robotics technology (physics).
  • Our foundational commitment to tikkun olam (“repairing the world”), demonstrated at hack events that solve challenges of social justice and inclusion, as well as through fabrication of custom prosthetic limbs and development of new technologies to reduce the involvement of animals in research.
  • Our leadership of the emerging technology community in higher education. Brandeis leads a growing community of emerging technologists at peer colleges and universities. Community members develop new methods, build new models and push the boundaries of what’s possible.

What technologies are available in the MakerLab?

  • Digital fabrication, including 3D printing and laser cutting
  • 3D scanning and digitization, from small objects to whole buildings
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles
  • Virtual and augmented reality
  • Touch and gesture inputs
  • Custom research technologies